Download the latest software and firmware updates, user manuals and a selection of white papers, notes and guides for your Hukseflux product(s).
Download the latest software and firmware updates for selected Hukseflux instruments here. Please consult your user manual for installation. The following software packages are available for download:
Hukseflux Sensor Manager software v2424
Latest software for Hukseflux SR300-D1, SR200-D1, SR100-D1, SRD100-D1, SR30-M2-D1, SR20-D2, SR05-D1A3, SR15-D1, SR05-D2A2, SR15-D2A2, SR05-DA1, SR05-DA2, SR20-D1, SR22-D2, SR25-D1, SR25-D2, SR30-D1, DR30-D1.
Hukseflux Sensor | 78.9 MB
Hukseflux LI19 software
Latest software for Hukseflux LI19 hand-held read-out unit / datalogger | 2.57 MB
Hukseflux CRU02 firmware v1.20
Latest firmware for CRU02, control and read-out unit of FTN02, MTN02 and TNS02 systems
CRU02 | 37.41 KB
Hukseflux CRU02 software v1.2.3 including calculation sheet
Latest software for CRU02, control and read-out unit of FTN02, MTN02 and TNS02 systems
CRU02 software v1.2.3 (2).zip | 8.68 MB
Download the latest user manuals for your sensors and/or systems here. Each user manual provides helpful information on instrument principle and theory, installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, applicable standards, and product specifications and data sheets.
- ALUSYS heat flux measurement system user manual
- AMF / ALF series albedometer mounting and levelling fixtures user manual
- BLK - GLD sticker series - accessories for heat flux sensors user manual
- CMF01 mounting fixture user manual
- DR30-D1 pyrheliometer user manual
- DR20-A1 pyrheliometer user manual
- DR15-A1 pyrheliometer user manual
- FHF05 series heat flux sensor user manual
- FHF05SC series heat flux sensor user manual
- FHF06 heat flux sensor user manual
- FTN02 thermal conductivity measurement system user manual
- GG01 heat flux sensor user manual
- HF02 heat flux sensor user manual
- HF03-LI19 heat flux sensor user manual
- HF05 heat flux sensor user manual
- HFP01 heat flux sensor user manual
- HFP01SC heat flux sensor user manual
- HFP03 heat flux sensor user manual
- HFS01 high heat flux sensor user manual
- HTR02 series heater user manual
- IHF01 heat flux sensor user manual
- IHF02 heat flux sensor user manual
- IR02 pyrgeometer user manual
- IR02-TR pyrgeometer user manual
- IR20 & IR20WS pyrgeometer user manual
- LI19 hand-held read/out unit / datalogger user manual
- MTN02 thermal conductivity measurement system user manual
- NR01 net radiometer user manual
- PMF series pyranometer mounting fixtures user manual
- PVMT01 user manual
- Programming manual industrial pyranometers
- Pyranometer app user manual
- RA01 radiometer user manual
- SBG series heat flux sensor user manual
- Sensor Manager software user manual
- SHR02 shadow ring for pyranometers user manual
- SR05-A1 pyranometer series user manual
- SR05-D1A3 pyranometer user manual
- SR05-D2A2 pyranometer user manual
- SR15 digital pyranometer series user manual
- SR15-A1 pyranometer user manual
- SR20 pyranometer user manual
- SR20-D2 pyranometer user manual
- SR22 pyranometer user manual
- SR25 pyranometer user manual
- SR30-M2-D1 pyranometer user manual
- SR300-D1 pyranometer user manual
- SR200-D1 pyranometer user manual
- SR100-D1 pyranometer user manual
- SRA01 albedometer user manual
- SRA20-D2 albedometer brochure
- ST01 soil temperature sensor user manual
- STP01 soil temperature sensor user manual
- TCOMSYS01 Hot Cube thermal comfort measuring system user manual
- TP01 soil temperature sensor user manual
- TP02 thermal properties sensor user manual
- TP08 thermal properties sensor user manual
- TPSYS20 thermal conductivity measuring system user manual
- TRSYS20 thermal measuring system user manual
- VU01 ventilation unit user manual
Discontinued products
- DR01 pyrheliometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- DR02 pyrheliometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- DR03 pyrheliometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- FHF01 heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- FHF02 heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- FHF02SC heat flux sensor user manual DISCONUTINUED PRODUCT
- FHF03 heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- FHF04 heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- FHF04SC heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- HTR01 heater for calibration user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- HF01 heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- LP02 pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- LP02-TR pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- NF01 heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- NF02 heat flux sensor user manual DICONTINUED PRODUCT
- RHF01 heat flux sensor user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SR03 pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SR03-TR pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SR05-D1A3-PV digital pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SR11 pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SR11-TR pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SR12 pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SR30-D1 pyranometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SRA11 albedometer instruction sheet DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- SRA20 albedometer user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- STPSYS05 thermal properties measuring system user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- THASYS thermal conductivity measurement system user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- THISYS thermal conductivity measurement system user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- TPSYS02 system user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
- TRSYS01 heat flux measurement system user manual DISCONTINUED PRODUCT
Hukseflux offers white papers, application notes and selection guides. These background documents aim to be helpful in selecting the best sensor for your application, or, for example, in explaining a new standard for your measurement. Would you like to have more support in selecting a sensor or system? Don't hesitate to contact us.
on solar radiation measurement
- Mounting accessories for pyranometers, pyrgeometers and net radiometers
- Solar radiation calibration scale change
- Hukseflux pyranometer selection guide: how to choose the best pyranometer for your application (PDF
- IEC 61724-1:2021 How many monitoring systems at a utility scale PV solar power plant?
- IEC 61724-1:2021 for PV monitoring: what is new? A quick explanation (PDF)
- The new IEC 61724-1 standard for PV monitoring systems: pyranometer purchase consequences (PDF)
- ASTM G213-17 for pyranometers and pyrheliometers: with spreadsheet for evaluating measurement uncertainty (PDF)
- Pyranometers versus PV reference cells in outdoor PV system performance monitoring. White paper (PDF)
- Pyranometer & pyrheliometer comparison: benchmarking Hukseflux solar sensors by independent research (PDF)
- SR30 pyranometer: solar measurement in cold climates (PDF)
- SR20 pyranometers for pv project asset management: why managers prefer a pyranometer with the right paperwork (PDF)
- Hukseflux sensors for National Meteorology Networks: sensors and support for national observation networks (PDF)
- SR20 pyranometer independently tested versus competitors: Independent testing confirms good performance of Hukseflux pyranometers (PDF)
- Hukseflux SR20 pyranometer: the making of (PDF)
- Hukseflux IR20 pyrgeometer: the making of (PDF)
- Hukseflux SR25 pyranometer: the making of (PDF)
- SR25 diffuse solar radiation reference sensor: outperforms quartz dome instruments, and is more affordable (PDF)
- In-company workshops: Get the latest insights into solar radiation by Hukseflux experts at your location (PDF)
- Response time acceleration pyranometers and heat flux sensors (PDF)
- Environmental impact of SR30 compared with externally ventilated conventional pyranometers using Eco-costs - note (PDF)
- Measuring albedo of finite samples - note (PDF)
- Solar heating in building automation - note (PDF)
- How to measure albedo for bifacial PV - note (PDF)
- Pyranometer calibration for the solar industry - note (PDF)
- Why heat pyranometers - the importance of heating - note (PDF)
- How to calculate PV power plant performance ratio and performance index - note (PDF)
- How to measure solar radiation - note (PDF)
- What is a pyrheliometer? - a quick introduction - its use and applications: from site prospecting to Concentrated Solar Power - note (PDF)
- What is a pyranometer? - note (PDF)
- Pyranometer physics: why two domes? - note (PDF)
- What are pyranometer offsets? - note (PDF)
- What to do against frost and dew - Quality Control for pyranometer data - note (PDF)
on heat flux measurement
- Measurement of window glass insulation R-value with heat flux sensors (PDF)
- FluxTeq PHFS-01 heat flux sensors compared to Hukseflux FHF05 series: test results (PDF)
- Omega HFS-5 heat flux sensors compared to Hukseflux FHF05 series: test results (PDF)
- Hukseflux heat flux sensors for boiler monitoring (PDF)
- Heat flux measurement white paper by Hukseflux: market leader in measuring heat flux. Fundamentals, directions and applications (PDF)
- How to install a heat flux sensor - with tips and tricks - (PDF)
- Heat flux sensor amplification and data logging - selection guide (PDF)
- Hioki LR8450-01 wireless datalogger with Hukseflux FHF heat flux sensors
- Hioki data logger LR8450 and FHF05 series heat flux sensors in Battery EV Thermal Management (PDF)
- Hioki LR8432 wireless heat flow logger with Hukseflux FHF heat flux sensors (PDF)
- Hioki LR8515 wireless voltage and temperature logger with Hukseflux FHF heat flux sensors (PDF)
- Heat flux sensor technology review - why use spreaders (PDF)
- Heat flux sensor technology review - printed electrically conductive inks vs metal etching and plating (PDF)
- Surface energy balance measurement: state-of-the-art sensors for the global meteorological / fluxnet community (PDF)
- Hukseflux instruments in building physics: which sensors, systems and services can be used? (PDF)
- Hukseflux heat flux sensors for industrial use: improving process control and emergency response systems in industries (PDF)
- Use of FHF heat flux sensors in process control of cooling heating and freeze drying - note (PDF)
- Selecting a heat flux sensor; what NOT to do! (PDF)
on thermal conductivity measurement
- Thermal conductivity selection guide: how to choose the best instrument for your application? (PDF)
- Soil thermal conductivity selection guide: which sensors or systems to use for measuring thermal properties of soil? (PDF)
- Expert training in thermal measurement: recieve operator training at Hukseflux, and become a true expert (PDF)
- Purchase or rent FTN02 MTN02 soil thermal conductivity - resistivity measurement systems (PDF)
on material characterisation services
- Thermal properties laboratory and consultancy: about Hukseflux material characterisation services and thermal consultancy (PDF)
- Thermal properties lab specimen requirements: this document clarifies the requirements for thermal testing specimens (PDF)
- Thermal properties laboratory request form: please fill out this form when interested or when applying (PDF)
on calibration services
- Testing services: calibration capabilities. Accurate calibration of heat flux, solar and longwave radiation sensors (PDF)
- Pyranometer and pyrheliometer calibration services - ISO / IEC 17025 accredited - all major brands, affordable - (PDF)
- ISO 9847 & ASTM G207 calibration: the world is moving towards indoor calibration of pyranometers (PDF)
- ISO 9847- outdoor sensor calibration is not recommended: "high-risk", requiring high operator competence levels, variable uncertainty (PDF)