Pyranometer calibration
Customers prefer Hukseflux pyranometers because our affordable calibration
services result in lowest total cost of ownership.
Pyranometers must be calibrated every 2 years. Such recalibration is considered good practice for any measuring instrument and is required by ISO, IEC and WMO standards covering PV system performance - and meteorological monitoring. Cost of recalibration however can be high. Hukseflux helps you to reduce these costs. Pyranometer users prefer Hukseflux pyranometers for their unsurpassed measurement accuracy and their lowest total cost of ownership. Read more below or in our detailed pyranometer calibration note.

Pyranometer calibration?
Consult our service procedure
or contact us for more information
Worldwide, cost effective pyranometer calibration
Hukseflux offers worldwide pyranometer calibration services. Pyrheliometer calibration is also possible. We work according to well established standards with traceable calibration methods. We offer fast turnaround times and professional calibrations including uncertainty evaluation. Hukseflux has calibration facilities in the EU, USA, Brazil, Japan, China, Singapore and Australia.
Hukseflux indoor calibration systems
Hukseflux indoor calibration systems (according to ISO 9847 Type A1) are available for governmental institutes. The image shows an example of a typical test facility designed by Hukseflux: SRC02, 19 inch rack, height 2.4 m, with various advantages over competing systems. Would you like to know more? Please contact us.
Pyranometer calibration of all common brands
Hukseflux is a leading manufacturer of solar radiation sensors. Our worldwide calibration and servicing organisation is at your disposal; not only for pyranometers of the Hukseflux brand. Hukseflux can work more efficiently if you supply us your sensors in batches of 3 or more instruments. Benefit from our quantity discounts!
ISO / IEC 17025 accredited pyranometer and pyrheliometer calibration
Hukseflux Thermal Sensors is formally accredited to perform ISO / IEC 17025 accredited pyranometer and pyrheliometer calibration services at its calibration laboratory in Delft, the Netherlands. Our scope can be found here. We not only calibrate Hukseflux models; our services include the calibration of selected models of major brands.
ISO/IEC 17025:2017, fully titled "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" enables laboratories to demonstrate that they operate competently and generate valid results.
For most economies, private industry and government entities alike will accept the results of an accredited laboratory without the necessity for any additional calibration, testing, or inspection. More specifically, this is expected in economies that have signed the ILAC Mutual Recognition Agreement. Under accreditation, the calibration result (sensitivity) is also accompanied with a well-documented calibration uncertainty estimate. An insightful PDF gives more details on Hukseflux calibration services and contents of certificates.
Capabilities and procedure
Please take a look at these notes on Hukseflux' calibration capabilities and our procedures. Interested? Ask us for a quote.
Hukseflux calibration services: capabilities and procedure (PDF)